Thursday, February 23, 2023
Iomega home storage manager download windows 10
Iomega - CNET Download. Iomega home storage manager download windows 10
If the entry in the "Name" field is not the same as the Workgroup name shown in the System window on the computer, change the value to match the one on the PC and then click "Apply. Click "Folders" in the navigation pane.
Verify that the access settings for folders stored on the network storage drive allow access to the problem computer. The "Access" options for stored folders on the drive are "Everyone" and "Secure. Enable the "Everyone" option for all of the folders shown in the Folder Management window. To retrieve the update, click Add Software. In the Add Software pop-up window, if an update is available, there will be a link to download the appropriate update for your Iomega StorCenter ix2- Click the link, follow the instructions on the download site page, and download the software update to your local computer.
Once downloaded, click Browse to select the update, and then click Upload to continue. When the update is uploaded to the Iomega StorCenter ix, the Status column will say Ready to apply.
Click Apply all pending updates to apply the update or updates. The software updates will be applied to your Iomega StorCenter ix If you want to remove the update without applying changes, click in the Action column. The Iomega StorCenter ix restarts once the software is installed.
You should not power down the Iomega StorCenter ix during the installation process as this can damage the Iomega StorCenter ix If multiple updates are ready, all of them will be applied, requiring only one reboot. The Iomega StorCenter ix will be temporarily inaccessible during the software update. Be sure no critical files are being accessed. You can name the Home Page and choose to display a picture slideshow and Shares on it. You can also optionally choose to turn the Home Page on or off.
Enter a title for the Home Page. This title displays in the top banner of the Home Page when users access the Iomega StorCenter ix Check Display Shares to display Shares. When you select to display Shares, the user sees all of the Shares on the Iomega StorCenter ix, but can only access them if they have Access Permission.
Check Display slideshows to display picture slideshows that are in folders on the Iomega StorCenter ix Click Manage slideshows to configure any slideshows you want to display. Deleting a Slideshow To delete a slideshow from the list of available slideshows, click.
After you delete a slideshow, you can configure a different one. Backing up a configuration saves various system properties, including users, groups, device identification, and Share names and permissions. Configuration information is saved to a file, and you can save as many versions of the file as you want.
After backing up the configuration, you can restore it to your Iomega StorCenter ix at any time. You can also apply the configuration backup to other Iomega StorCenter devices of the same model, effectively using the configuration as a template.
Configuration Backup and Restore does not back up or restore any data files on your Iomega StorCenter ix Backing up Device Configuration 1. On the Configuration Backup and Restore page, click Back up configuration to select a name and location for your configuration backup. Save the configuration file to an external device, such as your computer or a USB drive. You can save as many configuration backups as you want. Restoring a Configuration Backup 1. On the Configuration Backup and Restore page, click Restore configuration to select a saved configuration backup.
In the Restore Configuration dialog box, click Browse to locate a previously saved configuration backup stored on your computer or USB device. Select one of the following options: Restore settings — overwrites any existing settings, such as device identification and Share names. When you select this option, existing data on the Iomega StorCenter ix is not deleted, and the configuration restore operation starts automatically after you click Apply in the Restore Configuration dialog box.
Restore settings and drive configuration — deletes all data, users, and settings from the target Iomega StorCenter ix If you select this option, a confirmation dialog box displays and informs you that restoring the configuration will delete all data and overwrite any existing users or settings on the target Iomega StorCenter ix Check Check this box to continue to confirm this dialog box or click Cancel to stop the configuration restore process.
After you click Apply, the restore process starts. If your source Iomega StorCenter ix had Active Directory enabled, you are prompted to enter the administrator name and password of an account that has the rights to join the domain.
Click OK. Most system IP addresses and other network settings can normally be configured automatically. Manually Configuring Your Network If you are comfortable with network technology and want to configure the network, refer to Manually Configuring the Network. Valid jumbo frame sizes are 4, or 9, bytes. If you do not want jumbo frame support, select None from the Jumbo Frame drop-down menu.
Jumbo frame support is useful for transferring large files, such as multimedia files, over a network. Jumbo frame support increases transfer speed by placing large files in fewer data packets.
It also reduces the demand on the device hardware by having the CPU process more data in fewer data packets. Jumbo frame support should only be enabled if you are sure your network is jumbo-frame compatible and all network devices have been configured to support jumbo frames.
It is recommended that you confirm all network interface cards NICs are configured to support jumbo frames before enabling this feature. Click Modify Network Settings. DNS is used for translating the domain name to IP addresses. Subnet Mask — the subnet that the IP address belongs to. The default value is Gateway — the gateway IP address needs to be entered in this field.
Review the following prerequisites prior to enabling remote access: Enable Security — Before you can enable remote access, you must have security enabled on your Iomega StorCenter ix If security is already enabled, you are ready to enable remote access. If not, a pop-up window is provided to enable security and create an administrator user to manage your secured device.
Check the internet connection — Your Iomega StorCenter ix requires internet connectivity. Automatically configure the router — Prior to enabling remote access, ensure that your router is UPnP enabled. If you have more than one router on your network, you must only have one router used as a DHCP Server. Refer to your router documentation for more information.
Your Iomega StorCenter ix attempts to automatically configure your router. However, if it cannot, a warning displays, and you must manually configure your router to forward a specific port to your Iomega StorCenter ix Most routers refer to this as port forwarding or application access, and it is recommended that you refer to your router's documentation to learn how to set these values.
The following information is needed to manually configure your router: Device IP Address — The Basic option allows you to define a sub-domain name and choose from a list of domains Domain Name to create your web address.
Once your complimentary subscription period expires, you must renew your subscription with TZO to continue accessing your Iomega StorCenter ix remotely. The Premium option requires you to pay for your registration subscription by following a link before you can complete the enabling remote access process.
It allows you to define a top-level domain name Domain Name , or use one that you already own, such as yourname. Enable security if it is not yet enabled. On the Remote Access page, click the switch to Enable. Your Iomega StorCenter ix begins to automatically configure remote access. First, your internet connection is tested. If the connection is successful, a green checkmark displays on the Iomega StorCenter ix image. If there is a problem, an error message displays. After resolving the error, you can click the provided link to retest the connection.
If the configuration is successful, a green checkmark displays on the image of your router. If your router cannot be automatically configured, refer to Remote access overview for information on manually configuring your router before clicking the link to retry configuring your router.
Once the router is configured, click Register with TZO to choose a subscription level and follow the associated procedure below to complete the enabling remote access process: Basic — The Basic option allows you to define a sub-domain name and choose from a list of domains Domain Name to create your web address. Premium — The Premium option requires you to pay for your registration subscription by following a link before you can complete the enabling remote access process.
Basic option: Completing the enable remote access process 1. Enter the following information in the pop-up window to create a web address for your Iomega StorCenter ix and define an email address: Sub-domain Name — Enter a unique sub-domain name in the first text box. Domain Name — Select a domain name from the pull-down list. It is recommended that you choose a domain name that you can easily remember and will help you identify your Iomega StorCenter ix The web address is created by combining the sub-domain and domain name.
This will ultimately be the address that will be registered and you can use to access your Iomega StorCenter ix remotely. Email Address — Enter a valid email address. The email address will be registered with TZO to notify you about domain name renewals.
If the domain name you selected is already in use, you will need to define a new one and click Apply again. If your registration is successful, the pop-up window closes, and the Remote Access page provides your account information under the TZO logo.
Premium option: Completing the enable remote access process 1. The registration fields display. Enter the following information in the pop-up window to create a web address for your Iomega StorCenter ix and define an email address: Domain Name — Enter a domain name. The email address will be registered with the DDNS server to notify you about domain name renewals. Click Apply to register your domain name. If your domain name is valid, a new browser window opens and you will be redirected to the TZO site where you can register your web address and purchase your registration at special rates.
When you access your Iomega StorCenter ix remotely, you can access files from any Share to which you are granted access. However, accessing your Iomega StorCenter ix from a remote location will not provide all the same functionality provided by a computer in your local network. The following procedure describes how to access your Iomega StorCenter ix remotely.
Open a web browser and type your Iomega StorCenter ix unique web address, which can be found on the Remote Access page. The Home page of the Iomega StorCenter ix displays.
Administrator users can log in. Non-administrator users can access only the content available from the Home page. Any media content contained in these specific folders will be scanned by the Iomega StorCenter ix media server and be accessible to any user on your network with a media player. For information on enabling a folder as a media folder, refer to Managing Shares.
Scanning for media content The Media Server automatically scans for media content on a regular basis. However, you can click Scan now at any time to force the media server to perform an immediate scan for media content. This is especially useful after you have created new folders with media sharing enabled and copied a large amount of media content to them. Enabling media aggregation If you have multiple Digital Living Network Alliance DLNA servers in your network that have media content, you can combine all media content into one view by enabling aggregation on your Iomega StorCenter ix In addition, you can optionally copy all media content from your network servers to your Iomega StorCenter ix To set up media aggregation, choose one of the following options: None — This is the default setting, and media aggregation is off.
All your movies, music, and pictures from various servers can be played back from one view. All your movies, music, and pictures from various servers can be played back from one view, and they are copied into Shares on your Iomega StorCenter ix When you enable media aggregation, the media server is restarted, and any media you are currently streaming will stop playing.
You can begin streaming your media after the media server has restarted. Sharing media content over the internet The media server can share media content on your Iomega StorCenter ix with anyone on the internet. The Iomega StorCenter ix Console provides two ways to enable internet access. If you are using the Remote Access feature, you can enable internet access on the Media Server page.
Refer to Enabling internet access from the Media Server page. Alternatively, if you have, or plan to create an Iomega Personal Cloud on your Iomega StorCenter ix, you can enable internet access by changing Personal Cloud settings. Once enabled, internet users, including those users on mobile devices running the Iomega Link, can access media content on your Iomega StorCenter ix When you enable internet access to your media content, all media content is available to any user on the internet, regardless of any security you may have applied to a media file.
All your pictures, movies, and music are available to anyone accessing your Iomega StorCenter ix Enabling internet access from the Media Server page If you are using the Iomega Personal Cloud feature, refer to Personal Cloud Settings for details on enabling internet access.
On the Media Server page, check Enable internet access. In the confirmation dialog box, check Check this box to continue. Refer to the Support section of the Twonky Server page for information on using the server. Iomega Link users can access media content directly from the Iomega StorCenter ix Refer to your Iomega Link documentation for details.
The page has three primary links: Add Video Camera — Manually adds a video camera to your Iomega StorCenter ix if no video cameras are automatically discovered.
Refer to Adding a Video Camera. Video Wall — Displays live video from all video cameras configured with your Iomega StorCenter ix The video from all cameras is displayed in a grid. Alerts — Displays alert messages about the video surveillance feature. Refer to the camera configuration pages for camera status information. Video Surveillance features The Video Surveillance page displays the Name, Space, and Model information of each video camera connected to the Iomega StorCenter ix, and Action controls for each video camera.
Administrators have access to modify these settings. When no supported cameras are connected to your network, this page will be empty. Name This section displays the video camera's IP address, name, login username, and the destination folder for the video recording files. Additionally, using the Camera Configuration link, you can modify the video camera software configuration settings using the video camera's native software.
It also displays an icon that indicates the current state of the video camera. The possible states are: The video camera is no longer connected to the network. The video camera is no longer connected to the network, but a recording schedule is set for it. You should delete this video camera if it is no longer on the network, or fix the network connection so it can record as scheduled.
The video camera is connected to the network and is currently recording. There is no schedule for this recording, since it was started manually. The recording must therefore be stopped manually. The video camera is connected to the network, a recording schedule is set, and the camera is currently recording.
The video camera is connected to the network and a recording schedule is set for it, but it is not currently recording. The video camera is connected to the network, but no recording schedule is set. Space The Space column identifies how much disk space is currently used by the video files in the destination folder for this video camera. Model This column lists the model information for this video camera. Action For each video camera, you can perform the following actions: Click either to manually start recording or to stop recording.
These buttons are available only for video cameras that are currently connected and accessible on the network. Use the manual start and stop record buttons to start recording at any point and to stop a recording until the next scheduled start time.
During recording, if you want to change the camera resolution and frame rate, you must stop recording, change the values on the camera's configuration page, and then start the recording again.
Click to open a live view from your video camera. You may be prompted to supply the username and password for the video camera. The Video Surveillance page also displays the current settings for any video camera attached to your network. For example, you might have video cameras on a summer house in one geographic location and your Iomega StorCenter ix is in another geographic location.
Clients can manage own file storage via web interface. It will be optimized for computer academy. CONNECT helps the most novice user set up a secure wireless network, easily sharing printers, photos, music and videos while automatically detecting and repairing common networking issues. A fully functional Mini Storage management tool.
Tracks your facilities, your tenants, monthly payments, and various other information. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. When I try to map the drive, it gives me the same as above except with "Network error Thanks for any help.
This thread is locked. When opening the management interface for the first time, the device alerts a user to perform some basic housekeeping tasks. In my case, this included configuring a Private cloud, setting up email alerting, and correcting the time. The management UI is where all of the administration duties for the unit are performed such as setting up additional shares, remote access, creating user accounts and viewing system status.
Iomega also provides access to online storage cloud services Mozy and Amazon S3. Configuring a Personal Cloud involved little more than a couple of clicks, giving your cloud a name and then associating an e-mail address with it.
There are only two "advanced settings" for the Personal Cloud: you can define which port the cloud is accessible from and security can be set to Low, Medium or High.
While establishing a Personal Cloud is easy, I believe administering and adding members could be a smoother process. Once I configured my cloud and closed and re-opened Storage Manager, I tried to get into my cloud. I wasn't able to as I kept getting prompted for an Access Code. This was strange, as at no time during the setup process did the software ask me to associate an access code as administrator of my new cloud. Also, verify that the Workgroup name is the same as that displayed in the System window on the computer.
If the entry in the "Name" field is not the same as the Workgroup name shown in the System window on the computer, change the value to match the one on the PC and then click "Apply. Click "Folders" in the navigation pane. Verify that the access settings for folders stored on the network storage drive allow access to the problem computer.
The "Access" options for stored folders on the drive are "Everyone" and "Secure.
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